Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Thursday was here....

I got up, got ready and headed to church, not knowing what to expect with the Thanksgiving Day service.

I had my bag full of canned goods...and headed in....upon arrival I was handed a paper shaped raindrop and was asked to put my blessing/why I was thankful and to hang onto my goods til the end of service.

I went in, sat down...and then Janice showed up...we started chatting, and a few others sat down...and then service started.

The service was amazing. I loved how people were reading psalms, a prayer and then we would was the end of the service, we all walked up to the front, dropped out gift of food, and placed our blessing on the river, mountain, cloud background....what a feeling.

After the service I spoke to Barb about the scrapbooking group...and we'll get that going in January...and discuss more after the holiday weekend...I'm excited about that.

Then off to the "rents" I went. I stopped at heaven (Starbucks) to get an iced tea....and ended up getting it free...for waiting so long...score...2 times in one o man I should buy a lotto

Traffic was horrible, but I got up to the "rents" and we just had a relaxing time. We watched "Scrapped" a documentary about scrapbooking...I really enjoyed it...and will be watching it turkey was amazing...and so was the's all about the then afterwards....we relaxed and then it was time to head home....I got home...and watched the normal Thursday night stuff....and drifted off to sleep.

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