Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So Happy It WAS Thursday

Ah Thursday.....

Another good day....and a fantastic session....afterwards I headed to DIVA #1's to watch Ugly Betty and Grey's. We had a blast....we laughed a ton! The only bad thing was I was at the Villa in Issaquah and didn't get home til after 11pm....eeks.....it was a rough Friday morning wake up.

I did manage to pack my lunch...but my hair was still wet when "B" picked me up...oh well....lol

It was one of those crazy days at work....everyone was a little spunky...lol and the day just flew by...yeah....and then "B" dropped the bomb on me...lol....he called like at 4:10 and said we're leaving in 10 minutes.....eeeks....I had tons to do...but I got what I needed done....and out the door I went.

Had a crazy ride home - but made it home safely...barely...lol...and then I just relaxed and made a few cards...

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