Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Its 5am and what the heck am I doing up

UGH...its 5am. I have a dentist appointment at 7am. Are you freakin kidding me???? Now i love going to the dentist....I am really not kidding.....i do. I know .... FREAK FLAG....but hey I don't have any cavities...and well my dentist is HOT!!! AND NICE and well HOT!!! *hubba hubba*

SO okay back to 5am....I got up....did a load of laundry...which meant down the stairs and back up again...ugh! Did a few things around the apartment...and then go ready to head to the ole hotties office...lol.

After a way too long appointment - NO CAVITIES MOM! LOL....and then I headed to the apartment building to check out a "vacant" apartment...okay - not! UGH! SO off to work I headed....I've got a session tonight...not sure with who...but heck I'm excited!


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