Friday, September 08, 2006

My support buddies ROCK

SO I heard from the other 2....and everyone is sooo ready to help in anyway! GOTTA LOVE THAT!!!

Wahoo.....I am feeling really good....had a tough work out last night...Becky made me told her I liked Dave there was some "jabbing" back and forth...

The apartment is finally yeah finally coming together.....the new tenant is gonna move in tomorrow...whew....this was a close one....ugh!!!

Got homework to do this weekend....of course it's on the I've got some good tunes to work out it should be just fine and dandy...BRING IT ON.....

And - well let's see...what else....oh yeah gonna do the lease for the new tenant and then I'm gonna work on my stuff for WAG...ugh I've got a ton to do...but I talked to mom the other day and told her I probably wasn't gonna head up this that should buy me a few hours....

more to come....

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