Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend Wrap-Up

Saturday....oh how I loved to sleep in. No deadlines loomin, no training appoinetments, just relaxation. However, I did get up at 8am. I did a few things around the apartment and then I decided to make breakfast. Yummy. Coffee. I love my coffee maker. I really love my coffee maker.

After having a wonderful breakfast and getting ready, I took the package for Janice to the post office. Just going to the post office can be dicey. There was of course a line....come on's Saturday there is always a line. And there are kids running a muck. I of course found it cute and amusing, however, their parents did not....

The crazy man kept trying to get me to use the Automated Postage Machine...and I was having NO part of it. He wouldn't leave me alone....he ended up grabbing my package and heading to the machine after I had told him, not once, not twice BUT THREE times I wanted to see the clerk. What the??? Anyways, I got my package back and finally made it to the counter. HA!

After the postal incident I decided to pay a visit to Fred Meyer...I love Fred Meyer...YOU can get almost anything there and it's a big store. When I got out of the hospital, I would drive down to Freddy's get a chart and walk the store...if I got tired, I could always stop in the Furniture section and sit. And when I go now, I always walk the store while shopping....I know that Char would find it hard that I actually "walk" a store and not just buzz in and I do...when I have's more of an exercise thing than a shopping I got good stuff for the week...and managed to getout for less than $35...wahoooo! Gotta love that!

I headed home, and hurked everything up the freakin' 4 flights and then started putting everything away. I made a yummy pork boneless loin steak...a bit of brown rice and a nice big salad and some brocolli....I watched all the shows that I had dvr'd and then drifted off....

Sunday came way too early. I got up, and started to wander around the apartment. I realized I had a bunch of laundry to off I went to do that. Got things ready to go to the "rents" and then headed out. Had a good trip up to Everett....caught up with Mom and we just talked. I showed her all the goodies from my swap and from WAG...and we chatted about her surgery on Tuesday. I got things ready for dinner...and the pops changed my oil...YEAH! He bbq'd and then we had a really nice dinner.

After dinner, pops and I made a couple of cards - one for Paula the physical therapist that helped mom and on for sweet grandma's birthday. After all was said and done, eeks it was rather later....I headed home....

Finally made it home, and then hurked everything up the freakin' 4 flights of stairs...ugh....and then I started to get ready for Monday with RICO...Got my lunch all made, work out clothes set out, sneakers out...and what I was gonna wear to work...ready....then finally I drifted off...

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